Home recipes to treat urine infection

Urinary tract infection is one of the most common problems for people, especially among women, so many resort to many methods and treatments to get rid of its annoying symptoms, including herbs. What are the ways to treat urine infection?
Causes of Urinary Tract Infection
The main cause of urinary tract infection is the transmission of Escherichia coli bacteria in the digestive tract to the urethra and then to the upper urinary tract into the urine.
There are some factors that increase the likelihood of developing a urinary tract infection, including the following:
- Pregnancy, where the urine during pregnancy becomes less acidic and contains many proteins and sugars, and the level of many hormones changes during pregnancy, which increases the possibility of urinary tract infections during pregnancy. .
- Poor personal hygiene.
- Diseases that may cause the inability to completely empty the bladder of urine.
- Factors that cause an immune deficiency, such as taking chemotherapy, or HIV/AIDS.
- diabetes mellitus
- Prostate enlargement in men.
- Use tampons.
- Some types of contraceptives.
- A urinary catheter, which is usually used to drain urine from the bladder, is inserted through the urinary opening into the bladder.
- Having kidney stones.
- Use some types of birth control pills.
Symptoms of a urinary tract infection A urinary tract infection
leads to redness and irritation of the lining of the urinary tract, which may lead to some of the following symptoms:
- Pain in the flank, abdomen or pelvic area.
- pressure in the lower part of the pelvis.
- Frequent need to urinate.
- incontinence.
- Pain when urinating.
- Presence of blood in the urine.
- The need to urinate at night.
- Abnormal urine color (cloudy).
- Strong or foul-smelling urine.
Other symptoms that may be associated with a urinary tract infection include:
- Pain during intercourse.
- Penile pain.
- fatigue.
- Fever (temperature above 37.8°C) and chills.
- vomiting;
- Mental changes or confusion.
tract infections, or UTIs for short, are one of the most common and frequent infections among people and are usually effectively treated with antibiotics.
But recurring infections and frequent use of antibiotics to treat them can have negative health effects.
This is what drives many people to search for natural herbal mixtures and use nutritional supplements to relieve UTIs, and while the studies that support the effectiveness of their use are limited, it is undeniable that they can have a positive effect in relieving this inflammation.
It should be noted that consulting a doctor is the first step. To be taken before starting any dietary or herbal supplement, due to the potential for drug interactions, or unwanted or sometimes dangerous side effects, here are some herbs that may be useful in relieving urinary tract infections:
Green tea Green
tea contains It contains compounds with antimicrobial properties, especially Escherichia coli.
The antimicrobial compounds in green tea are excreted in the urine in high concentration, which may contain a high proportion of antimicrobials.
Anti-inflammatory role, so green tea may have the effect of relieving urinary tract infection caused by infection caused by Escherichia coli bacteria.
How to use green tea Green
tea is available in several types and forms that can be used to take advantage of its beneficial properties, and these types are:
- Prepared, local and bottled green tea.
- Green tea bags Green
- tea leaves Green tea
- powder Green tea
- supplements are either in the form of capsules or liquid extracts.
Green tea safety and precautions
Taking green tea in moderate amounts, not more than eight cups, is usually safe, on the other hand, drinking it in large quantities and for a longer period can be dangerous.
This is associated with many side effects, and this occurs as a result of the presence of the caffeine compound in the components of green tea, and the side effects range from mild to severe, and include the following:
- headache
- Nervous
- Sleep disorders.
- vomiting;
- Diarrhea.
- Irritability
- Dizziness
- Tinnitus.
- Acidity
- arrhythmia.
- Liver diseases as a result of green tea containing a chemical whose high concentration is linked to liver damage, and to avoid this, it is recommended to drink green tea extract with food.
is one of the herbs that can be used to protect against urinary tract infections, and an animal study in 2016 indicated that chamomile flower extract had a positive effect in reducing the risk of these infections.
How to use chamomile and the permissible quantities The permissible
dose of chamomile to relieve urinary tract infections is unknown, and most studies on the benefits of chamomile generally use doses ranging from 900-1200 mg per day in the form of a capsule, as many people tend to drink chamomile tea, which is Most common.
Where some drink about four cups a day, and to prepare it, you can follow these steps:
- Heat a cup of water.
- Steep a chamomile tea bag or chamomile flowers in hot water for 5-10 minutes, and cover the cup with a saucer or something during that time.
- Drink chamomile tea when it is at a temperature suitable for drinking.
- As stated above, you should consult your physician for advice on the use of any herbal products, including chamomile.
A study published in the International Journal of Medical Research and Health Sciences in 2018, which included 37 people with urinary tract infections, found that eating parsley may have a positive role in relieving urinary tract infections, due to its properties.
How to prepare parsley tea Parsley tea
can be prepared by following these steps:
- Choose your favorite type of parsley; Flat, curly or Italian.
- Remove the leaves from the stems.
- Boil an amount of the leaves equal to one-cup per cup of tea.
- Place the leaves in a cup or tea infuser.
- Fill the cup with hot water.
- Let the leaves steep for four minutes, or more if you like. If you are trying to drink parsley tea for the first time, it is recommended to drink it gently and gradually increase the steeping time as you get used to its taste.
- Remove the parsley leaves and add lemon or a little sugar to add flavour. It is generally recommended not to use too much sugar.
Disadvantages of using parsley tea Parsley
is one of the safe herbs when consumed in quantities usually found in food, but there are some warnings associated with its use, including the following:
- You are allergic to parsley.
- Taking anticoagulant medications, as you should avoid eating large amounts of parsley when taking diluted medications, because parsley contains a high percentage of vitamin K that clots the blood.
- Pregnancy: Eating large amounts of parsley during pregnancy stimulates contractions, but eating it in amounts found in food is generally considered safe.